October 14, 2024

Life Coach vs Therapist: Understanding the Key Differences

Learn the key distinctions between a life coach and therapist, their approaches, and how each can support your personal growth and mental health journey.

Life Coach vs Therapist: Understanding the Key Differences

When it comes to personal development and mental health, many people are faced with the question: Should I see a life coach or a therapist? Both professionals can play significant roles in helping you overcome life challenges, but they do so in very different ways.

In this article, we'll explore the key differences between a life coach therapist, giving you insights into how a coach or therapist can help you with personal growth and mental wellness.

If you’re trying to decide whether to work with a life coach or a therapist, this guide is worth reading because it outlines the key differences, helps you understand their roles, and enables you to make an informed decision.

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The Key Difference Between a Life Coach and a Therapist

While both a life coach and a therapist help individuals deal with personal challenges, their approaches, qualifications, and goals are very different. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown:

Focus and Goals

Life Coach:

  • A life coach focuses on future goals and achieving success in areas like career, relationships, or personal development.
  • They help clients create an action plan to achieve specific life goals, such as improving productivity or transitioning careers.
  • Life coaches typically work with individuals who are generally emotionally healthy but are seeking motivation, clarity, or assistance in reaching their potential.


  • A therapist concentrates on understanding and treating mental health and emotional challenges that may stem from past experiences.
  • They help clients work through issues like trauma, anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions.
  • Therapists focus on emotional healing and managing mental health problems, often by addressing past experiences and their impact on current life.

Approach and Techniques

Life Coach:

  • A life coach uses strategies like goal-setting, accountability, and motivation to help clients improve different areas of their lives.
  • Life coaching focuses on the present and future with a strong focus on setting and achieving goals.
  • Coaches do not address deep emotional or mental health issues but focus instead on productivity and fulfillment.


  • A therapist uses therapeutic methods such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) or EMDR therapy to help clients address mental health issues.
  • A therapy session may involve exploring emotional patterns, and past experiences, and developing coping mechanisms.
  • Therapy focuses on both the past and present, with an emphasis on emotional well-being and mental health recovery.


Life Coach:

  • Life coaches are not required to have any formal mental health professional qualifications; however, many pursue certifications like the Certified Professional Coach or through the International Coaching Federation.
  • Training often centers around coaching skills such as motivation, communication, and goal-setting, but not in treating psychological conditions.


  • A therapist is a licensed mental health professional with formal education (e.g., psychology, counselling, social work) and is qualified to diagnose and treat mental health conditions.
  • They undergo rigorous training in mental health care and must meet state licensing requirements to practice.

Sessions and Structure

Life Coach:

  • A coaching session focuses on building strategies for overcoming specific life challenges and working toward set objectives.
  • Life coaching sessions are typically forward-thinking, concentrating on setting and achieving goals rather than emotional healing.


  • A therapy session involves exploring emotions, identifying triggers, and addressing underlying mental health conditions.
  • Therapy offers a more in-depth examination of one's emotions, thought patterns, and behaviour with the goal of long-term emotional health.

Types of Clients They Serve

Life Coach:

  • A certified coach works with clients who want to improve their personal or professional lives. They may be dealing with major life challenges such as career transitions, relationship improvements, or increasing self-discipline.
  • They often serve those looking for guidance in achieving specific outcomes or in need of a coach at the same time as pursuing other forms of growth.


  • A therapist works with clients experiencing emotional or mental health challenges, such as trauma, depression, or anxiety.
  • Therapists provide long-term support to clients with mental health issues and may involve regular sessions over an extended period.

What Does a Life Coach Do?

A life coach serves as a supportive partner in helping individuals identify their goals and create actionable plans to reach them. Here’s an in-depth look at what a life coach does:

Goal Setting and Planning

A life coach plays a vital role in helping clients set clear and achievable goals. By working collaboratively, they identify personal and professional aspirations that align with the client's values and desires.

  • A certified life coach guides clients in defining their objectives, whether they pertain to career advancement, relationship enhancement, or personal growth.
  • Once goals are established, the coach helps clients develop detailed action plans with specific steps to reach those goals, ensuring they are realistic and acheivable.

Motivation and Accountability

Motivation and accountability are essential components of the coaching process. A life coach encourages clients to stay committed to their goals while holding them accountable for their progress.

  • Provides ongoing support and encouragement, helping clients remain focused and motivated in their pursuits.
  • They serve as accountability partners, regularly checking in on progress and helping clients stay on track by assessing their commitment to action plans.

Skill Development

A significant part of a life coach's role involves aiding clients in developing essential skills needed for success. This focus on skill-building enhances personal growth and self-efficacy.

  • Helps clients cultivate vital skills such as time management, communication, and decision-making.
  • Through targeted coaching, clients enhance their self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and problem-solving abilities, contributing to their overall personal development.

Overcoming Challenges

A life coach is instrumental in helping clients address and overcome various challenges that may arise during their journey toward achieving their goals.

  • They assist clients in identifying potential obstacles and offer strategies to navigate these challenges effectively.
  • Helps clients cultivate resilience and coping mechanisms, enabling them to handle setbacks and maintain focus on their objectives.

Focus on the Present and Future

Unlike therapy, which often focuses on resolving past issues, life coaching focuses on helping individuals create a brighter future. A life coach works with clients to overcome present challenges and develop a vision for success.

  • Life coaching focuses on helping clients gain clarity about their goals and develop the skills needed to achieve them.
  • Coaches help individuals move from where they are now to where they want to be, with a focus on present and future outcomes.

Enhancing Work-Life Balance

Achieving a healthy work-life balance is another crucial aspect of a life coach's services. They guide clients in finding harmony between personal aspirations and professional responsibilities.

  • Works with clients to align personal goals with their work commitments, promoting a sense of fulfillment in both areas.
  • They provide tools and techniques for managing stress effectively, contributing to overall well-being and life satisfaction.

Support and Guidance

Lastly, a life coach offers invaluable support and guidance throughout the coaching process, fostering a trusting and empowering relationship.

  • Creates a safe, non-judgmental space for clients to discuss their aspirations, fears, and challenges openly.
  • They encourage clients to explore new perspectives and possibilities, empowering them to take bold steps toward their desired outcomes.

By working with a coach, individuals gain clarity, direction, and support in navigating their personal and professional journeys.

What Does a Therapist Do?

A therapist plays a critical role in addressing emotional and mental health concerns by offering guidance, support, and treatment for individuals struggling with various psychological challenges. Unlike a life coach, a therapist focuses mainly on helping individuals manage and overcome mental health conditions. Here's what a therapist typically does:

Address Mental Health Issues

  • Therapists help clients work through problems like anxiety, depression, trauma, and other mental health conditions.
  • Therapy focuses on understanding emotional pain and helping clients heal from past experiences.

Provide Emotional Healing

  • A therapy session delves into deeper emotional patterns, exploring underlying causes of emotional distress and providing tools for coping.
  • Therapists and clients often focus on long-term emotional health, dealing with unresolved mental health issues to promote healing.

Use Evidence-Based Techniques

  • Therapists use methods like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and EMDR Therapy to help treat various conditions, such asdetailed trauma and emotional distress.
  • Therapy sessions are structured to address both the past and present, helping clients manage their emotions and build coping mechanisms.

Offer Support for Ongoing Mental Health Management

  • Therapists help individuals cope with ongoing mental health conditions, such as bipolar disorder, PTSD, or chronic anxiety.
  • Therapy often involves continuous support, with a therapist guiding clients through long-term mental health management.

Diagnose and Treat Mental Health Conditions

  • Unlike life coaches, licensed therapists can diagnose and treat mental health conditions, creating individualized treatment plans for each client.
  • Therapists are mental health experts who have the expertise to evaluate and address complex psychological conditions.

Focus on Past and Present

  • While a life coach looks toward future goals, a therapist focuses on mental health by addressing the root causes of emotional distress that may stem from the past.
  • By uncovering past experiences and trauma, a therapist helps clients make peace with their emotions, improving overall well-being.

Create a Safe Space for Exploration

  • Therapists provide a confidential and safe environment for individuals to explore their emotions and mental health concerns.
  • Clients can openly share their thoughts, fears, and feelings, knowing that the therapist is there to guide them toward healing and recovery.

By working with a therapist, individuals can address their emotional challenges, gain insights into their mental health, and receive the treatment needed to improve their overall well-being.

What to Expect from a Therapy Session?

A therapy session provides a safe space to explore emotions, understand past traumas, and work through mental health issues. Sessions can range from discussing childhood experiences to managing present-day stressors.

  • A therapist may use various approaches, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, to help clients develop coping mechanisms.
  • Therapists help individuals understand their mental health triggers and patterns, offering solutions for long-term mental health management.
  • A therapy session often involves delving into the root causes of emotional distress, helping clients gain a deeper understanding of their behaviours and emotions.

Therapy sessions are important for individuals seeking emotional healing and mental health care.

What Happens in a Life Coaching Session?

A session with a life coach is typically action-oriented, focusing on specific goals and creating a structured plan to achieve them. Unlike therapy, life coaching isn’t focused on exploring past traumas but on how to create a better future.

  • During a life coaching session, the coach will help the client identify goals, assess current challenges, and develop an action plan for success.
  • The session may also involve exploring different areas of life, such as career, health, or personal relationships, to ensure a balanced approach.
  • Coaching clients often leave sessions with a clear roadmap and actionable steps to move forward.

Life coaching sessions are designed to empower individuals to take charge of their future and work toward achieving their goals.

When Should You See a Therapist?

If you're experiencing emotional distress, trauma, or mental health issues, it's essential to consult a therapist. Therapists focus on mental health and emotional healing, helping individuals work through past traumas and challenges.

  • A licensed therapist can diagnose and treat mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
  • A therapy may involve various approaches, including cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), EMDR therapy, or other therapeutic techniques designed to help individuals manage mental health conditions.
  • Working with a therapist can help you understand your emotional triggers, develop coping mechanisms, and address mental health issues effectively.

If you're dealing with a mental health condition or want to explore past trauma, seeing a therapist is essential for long-term healing.

When Should You Work with a Life Coach?

If you're seeking guidance to achieve life goals or improve specific areas of life, life coaching might be the better fit for you. It focuses on setting and achieving goals, with an emphasis on personal growth and future success.

  • A certified life coach helps you create an action plan and provides accountability as you work toward goals in your career, relationships, or personal life.
  • Life coaching sessions are goal-oriented and usually focus on areas such as professional life, health, or major life transitions.
  • A coach can help you stay motivated and provide practical strategies for overcoming obstacles.

If you are clear about your goals but need support and accountability to achieve them, working with a life coach is ideal.

Can Life Coaching and Therapy Work Together?

Yes, coaching and therapy can work together and complement each other, and many individuals benefit from engaging in both approaches simultaneously. Although they serve different purposes, combining coaching and therapy can provide a holistic solution for personal growth and emotional healing. Here’s how they can work together:

Addressing Different Needs

  • Coaching focuses on achieving future goals and improving specific areas of life like career, relationships, or personal growth.
  • Therapy focuses on understanding and treating mental health issues, such as past trauma, anxiety, or depression.
  • Combining both helps individuals pursue personal development while also healing emotional wounds.

Balancing Mental Health and Life Goals

  • Therapy can help individuals manage ongoing mental health conditions, while coaching sessions can keep them motivated and on track toward achieving life goals.
  • While a therapist addresses emotional and psychological concerns, a coach can help with motivation, accountability, and action planning.

Creating a Comprehensive Support System

  • Working with both a therapist and a coach allows for a more well-rounded approach to tackling life challenges.
  • Therapists and life coaches provide distinct types of support: one focuses on mental and emotional healing, while the other drives progress in tangible aspects of life.

Ensuring Emotional Well-Being and Future Success

  • Engaging in therapy and life coaching at the same time ensures that individuals not only focus on overcoming mental health barriers but also take steps toward personal success and fulfillment.
  • Therapy focuses on mental health, and life coaching focuses on helping clients move forward, creating a balance between emotional healing and life progress.

While coaching isn’t a substitute for therapy, both can be valuable tools for those looking to improve their lives in multiple areas at once.

How to Choose Between Coaching and Therapy

Choosing between coaching and therapy can be a pivotal decision in your personal development journey. Both approaches offer support, but they serve distinct purposes. Below is a guide to help you understand the key differences and determine which option may be right for you.

1. Understand Your Needs

  • Identify Your Goals: Consider what you hope to achieve. If your focus is on setting and achieving life goals, enhancing performance, or navigating major life transitions, a life coach may be more suitable. Conversely, if you’re dealing with mental health challenges, such as anxiety or trauma, it’s advisable to consult a therapist.
  • Assess Your Current Situation: Reflect on any challenges you’re facing. If these relate to a mental health condition or unresolved trauma, working with a therapist is essential to help you work on these issues.

2. Know the Key Differences

  • Focus Areas: A coach typically emphasizes future goals and personal development, whereas therapy often addresses past traumas and mental health conditions. Understanding this key difference can guide your choice.
  • Methods and Approaches: Life coaches may employ motivational techniques and strategies during coaching sessions to help you achieve your objectives. In contrast, therapists may utilize various therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, to address mental health issues.

3. Consider Qualifications

  • Credentials: Ensure you check the qualifications of potential coaches and therapists. A certified life coach may have specific training in coaching techniques, while a licensed therapist has completed advanced education and training in mental health care.
  • Specializations: Some professionals may focus on particular areas, such as trauma recovery or business coaching. Researching their backgrounds can help you find the best match for your needs, whether you need a life coach or a therapist.

4, Evaluate Your Preferences

  • Personal Comfort: It’s crucial to consider which type of professional you feel more comfortable working with. A good therapeutic relationship is essential for effective therapy, while a life coach should foster motivation and support in achieving your goals.
  • Session Structure: Life coaching sessions may be more flexible and action-oriented, while therapy sessions often follow a structured format focused on deeper emotional exploration and healing.

5. Trial Sessions

  • Consultations: Many coaches and therapists offer initial consultations. Use this opportunity to ask about their approach and assess whether their style resonates with you.
  • Assess the Fit: After a few sessions, reflect on your experience. Do you feel supported and understood? Are you making progress toward your goals? If you’re not, it may be time to reevaluate your choice between a coach and a therapist.

Final Thoughts

Understanding the key differences between a life coach and a therapist is essential in choosing the right support for your needs.

While life coaches focus on future goals, motivation, and personal development, therapists handle deeper emotional and mental health concerns rooted in past experiences.

Both professionals offer valuable guidance, but their methods and expertise cater to different aspects of growth and healing.

Depending on your specific challenges and objectives, you may find that one is more suitable than the other, or that both can work together effectively.

By making an informed choice, you can begin on a path that facilitates personal growth and mental well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the major difference between therapy and life coaching?

Understanding the difference between therapy and life coaching is crucial when deciding which service to choose. Each method serves a unique purpose:

  • Therapy: A therapist will be able to help you address mental health challenges, heal past trauma, and work through emotional issues.
  • Life Coaching: Life coaching is the focus on achieving specific goals and overcoming obstacles, often related to career, health, or personal development.
  • Major Difference: The major difference between therapy and life coaching is that therapy focuses on mental health and emotional healing, while coaching is about goal achievement and motivation.

Knowing the difference helps you choose the right support for your current challenges in life.

When should I consider life coaching over therapy?

If you’re dealing with personal or professional challenges in your life but don’t necessarily need emotional healing, life coaching might be the better fit. Here’s when to consider coaching:

  • Goal-Oriented Support: Life coaching is focused on achieving future goals, making it ideal if you need direction or motivation.
  • Coaching Industry Focus: Life coaches often work with clients to improve productivity, manage stress, or make life transitions.
  • Therapist Role: If you’re dealing with mental health concerns, such as anxiety or depression, a therapist or psychologist would be better equipped to help.

Coaching is ideal when you're focused on achieving goals, while therapy is best for emotional or mental health issues.

What qualifications do life coaches and therapists need?

In the coaching industry, life coaches and therapists require different qualifications. Coaches and therapists come from distinct educational backgrounds:

  • Life Coach Certification Programs: Many life coaches complete coaching certification programs or coaching credential courses, which focus on motivational techniques and goal-setting.
  • Becoming a Therapist: Therapists need a formal education, often including a degree in psychology or counselling, and must be licensed to practice.
  • Coaching Training vs. Therapy: While coaching training focuses on enhancing life skills, therapists include mental health diagnoses and treatments in their services.

Therapists and life coaches possess different qualifications to meet distinct client needs, so it’s important to choose accordingly.

Can life coaching and therapy work together?

Yes, both life coaching and therapy can work together, and these services can work together to address various aspects of your life. Here’s how:

  • Complementary Roles: A life coach helps with goal-setting and motivation, while a therapist can also support emotional healing and mental health challenges.
  • Therapy and Coaching Balance: Combining therapy and coaching services allows you to address both your emotional well-being and your future aspirations.
  • Life Coaches Often vs. Therapists: Life coaches often focus on helping clients achieve goals, but they do not work with mental health conditions, which is where a therapist or psychologist comes in.

Using both coaching and therapy services can provide a balanced approach to personal growth.

How do I know if I need life coaching or therapy?

Knowing the difference between life coaching and therapy will help you choose the right path. Here’s a simple breakdown:

  • Purpose of Life Coaching: Life coaching is ideal if you're looking to overcome challenges in your life, such as career obstacles or personal development goals.
  • Therapist's Role: A therapist will be able to help you process emotional or psychological issues, particularly if they stem from trauma, anxiety, or depression.
  • Good Coach vs. Therapist: A good coach will focus on helping you achieve life goals, while a therapist focuses on emotional healing.

Life coaching is best for goal achievement, while therapy is needed for mental health support.

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